“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” ~ Stephen Wright Doesn’t cooking dinner sometimes feel like just too much? I get that feeling much more often than I would like to admit. The idea of going grocery shopping for a bunch of ingredients, getting home and putting […]
wild game recipes
Mama Mia: Elk Steak Pizza!
“I think of dieting, then I eat pizza.” ~ Lara Stone I have heard many times that people dislike the “gamey” taste of elk or deer. I will admit I found deer and elk to be “gamey” when I first started working with, but as I have eaten it more that taste is somehow gone. […]
A Perfect Combination: Parmesan and Horseradish Crusted Elk
“My favorite animal to hunt is probably elk. There’s nothing like the sound of a bugling bull splitting the cold air at first light. And that smell is unmistakable. Once you experience their musk in the wild there’s no going back! A close second would be a varmint hunt.” – Chris Pratt If I could […]
The leg is the best part of the bird!!! Wild Turkey and Dumplings!
““We recommend that no one eat more than two tons of turkey-that’s what it would take to poison someone.” – Elizabeth Whelan The craziness of the holidays has finally died down! I have wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, decorated and then undecorated my tree, and ate my fair share of […]