“We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It’s the best deal man has ever made.” ~ M. Acklam I was too young to actually remember it, but every time my dad tells the story of the last hunt […]
wild game recipes
Smoked Salmon Dip: Perfect for Any Occasion!
“My life is what a salmon must feel like. They are always going upstream, against the current.” ~ Laura Schlessinger I am guilty, just as everyone else, of forgetting the simple things in life. We all get so wrapped up in work, and kids, and chores, and well, just life. Things get crazy, and we […]
Sticky Tomato Sauce and Pesto Elk Tenderloin!
“All the sounds of this valley run together into one great echo, a song that is sung by all the spirits of this valley. Only a hunter hears it.” ~ Chaim Potok I can’t express how much I love basil. The scent alone invokes visions of summer evenings sitting on a porch enjoying the colors, […]
Elk Steak Smothered in Blueberry Balsamic Reduction and Gorgonzola Cream Sauce!!! Rich and Delicious!
“I love berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries, anything with an ‘errie’ in it!” ~ Jordin Sparks Have you ever eaten something that was so good you couldn’t stop thinking about it? And then when you returned home to try and re-create the experience, all you could do was cry at the pathetic attempts you […]
Jamaican Jerk Pheasant with Coconut Rice
“Jerk is Jamaica to the bone, aromatic and smoky, sweet but insistently hot. All of its traditional ingredients grow in the island’s lush green interior: fresh ginger, thyme and scallions; Scotch bonnet peppers; and the sweet wood of the allspice tree, which burns to a fragrant smoke.” ~Julia Moskin I am a bit addicted to […]
Guinness Elk Stew: The Luck of the Irish
“There is a charm in making a stew, to the unaccustomed cook, from the excitement of wondering what the result will be, and whether any flavour save that of onions will survive the competition in the mixture.” ~ Annie Besant Many take the term “luck of the Irish” to mean a wish of good fortune, […]
Pheasant Marsala Meatballs
“I love my old bird dog. I like to watch him run.” ~ Crossin Dixon “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” everyone has heard the saying. Normally I tend to agree. I have a thirteen-year-old yellow lab and she has no desire to even perform her old tricks, much less learn any new […]
Pronghorn Wellington: Fancy Smancy!
“Too many people just eat to consume calories. Try dining for a change.” ~ John Walters There is a restaurant here that serves American Waygu Beef, considered the “butter knife beef” because it is so tender and moist that in theory you can cut it with nothing more than a butter knife. I have been […]
Venison Bourguignon: A Twist on a Julia Child’s Original
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” ~Julia Child You know what Meryl Streep movie I love? Julie & Julia! You know the movie, right? Meryl Streep plates up an amazing performance as the queen of cooking, Julia Child. And Amy Adams is Julie […]
Vietnamese Elk Pho!!!
“Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.” ~ Ludwig van Beethoven Vietnamese Pho. I can’t figure out if it is pronounced fuh, foe, foo. I swear, I say it one way and get corrected to another. I say it the other way, and get corrected back. My mind starts boggling into fee-fi-fo-fum. So, […]