Another Shed Hunting Adventure

 “I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” ~ Joseph Campbell One thing I have learned over the past year is hunting can very quickly evolve from a leisure activity to work. It starts with receiving a tag. There is […]

Mama Mia: Elk Steak Pizza!

“I think of dieting, then I eat pizza.” ~ Lara Stone I have heard many times that people dislike the “gamey” taste of elk or deer. I will admit I found deer and elk to be “gamey” when I first started working with, but as I have eaten it more that taste is somehow gone. […]

Adventure Four: Pheasant Hunting

“No, I’m not a good shot, but I shoot often.” – Teddy Roosevelt Pheasant hunting had pretty much become a hunt of the past in Utah until two years ago. Most of the areas I remember my dad hunting when I was little have not had pheasants for several years. This has been a problem […]