“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” ~ Ernestine Ulmer What can I say about dessert that hasn’t already been said? It is sweet, it is satisfying, and there is always room. How many times have you leaned back in your chair at the dinner table, belly full of what you are calling “the best meal” […]
12 gauge girl
Spring Has Sprung and Fishing is Here!
“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” -Henrey David Thoreau It is time to tune up your vocal chords in preparation for singing “Fish On!” because spring is here and so is fishing season! I spent the weekend out on the water at Lake […]
The Most Important Meal of the Day: A Dutch Oven Breakfast
“What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?” – Anthony Bourdain Guess what kind of shoes I have on today? Sandals! It has been an unseasonably warm winter here in southeastern Utah, and spring has arrived much earlier than past years. I looked up the average temperature for our area in […]
A Perfect Combination: Parmesan and Horseradish Crusted Elk
“My favorite animal to hunt is probably elk. There’s nothing like the sound of a bugling bull splitting the cold air at first light. And that smell is unmistakable. Once you experience their musk in the wild there’s no going back! A close second would be a varmint hunt.” – Chris Pratt If I could […]