”All really wild scenery is attractive. The true hunter, the true lover of wilderness, loves all parts of the wilderness, just as the true lover of nature loves all seasons. There is no season of the year when the country is not more attractive than the city; and there is no portion of the […]
12 gauge girl
Homemade Pheasant Stock
“Be worthy of your game.” ~ George Bird Evans Learning to process game meat has been an eye opening experience. It is a challenging and ever-evolving labor. Cleaning a harvest is different, not only for different groups of animals, but even for different species within a specific subgroup of animals. For example, it is obvious that a fish […]
Asian Style Elk Meatballs: A Perfect Party Appetizer
“I wanted to be a skinny little ballerina but I was a voluptuous little Italian girl whose dad had meatballs on the table every night.” ~ Lady Gaga I am not always the best pre-planner. If I am headed on vacation, I am the one packing my bags thirty minutes before we are scheduled to […]
Pepper Jack Venison Steak and Onion Sandwich
“Sometimes hunting isn’t about hunting at all.” ~ Anonymous Hey all! I have the pleasure of sharing a deer recipe from a guest blogger this week. Pepper Jack Venison Steak and Onion Sandwiches is a recipe created by Amanda from the website Deer Recipes: Keeping it Simple. Amanda is a “deer meat-acholic” and she created […]
Wild Turkey Chili: A One Pot Delight!
“When turkeys mate they think of swans.” ~ Johnny Carson I am always amazed how different wild turkey is from farm-raised turkey. With my first wild turkey harvest, I plucked the entire bird and roasted it in traditional Thanksgiving style. I was so excited for that dinner. I was having Thanksgiving in May complete with […]
Tips for Duck Hunting Beginners: Like Myself!!!
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” ~ Michael Caine When I was little, every Saturday morning I crawled out of bed just before the sun came up, poured myself an oversized bowl of cereal, parked myself in front of the television, and watched Saturday morning cartoons. […]
Happy New Year 2017!!!!
Happy New Year to all my family, friends near and far, and everyone stopping by a 12 Gauge Girl at huntingandcooking.com! Make it a great one! Share This:
Pheasant Meatballs with Brandy Apples and Onion
“When he was young, I told Dale Jr. that hunting and racing are a lot alike. Holding that steering wheel and holding that rifle both mean you better be responsible.” ~ Dale Earnhardt As I sit here about to write-up this recipe for pheasant meatballs with sweet apples and onions in an apple and brandy sauce, […]
Chicken Cordon Bleu: Fancy Dutch Oven Dinner!
“In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.” ~ Julia Child I live in a rapidly evolving tourist town. People visit from all over the world to river raft, mountain bike, off-road, canyoneer, base jump, and rock climb. I grew up here, and watching the explosion of visitors, hotels, stores, and restaurants has been […]
Whiskey Elk Backstrap Steaks
“You know what my drink is? Jack Daniel’s. Yes, that is a wild man drink. That should come with bail money, you know what I’m saying? Because on Jack, you don’t know where you’re going to end up, but you know when you get there, you won’t be wearing any pants.” ~ Dave Attell You […]