Adventure Four: Pheasant Hunting

IMG_0833 “No, I’m not a good shot, but I shoot often.” – Teddy Roosevelt

Pheasant hunting had pretty much become a hunt of the past in Utah until two years ago. Most of the areas I remember my dad hunting when I was little have not had pheasants for several years. This has been a problem throughout the state of Utah. However, the Utah Division of Wildlife has started a program which releases over 11,000 birds annually to public hunting locations across the state. I have been out a few times on pheasant hunts, but this past November was the first hunt I have been on where I was a participant in the hunt and not just tagging along.

Growing up, I remember having pheasant meals. They were a treat! My dad would roll the birds in bread crumbs and then slow cook them to tenderize the meat. I haven’t had a pheasant meal for several years now, and the thought of cooking up a homemade meal was an inspiration for the hunt.

A pheasant’s main defense is hiding. In thick cover, such as the area we walked, you can almost step on top of a bird before it will jump up and move. A few tactics for pheasant hunting are to walk slowly and take your time through the brush, work in groups to push through large areas, and look for ditches or other areas birds would utilize for cover. While hunting alone is fine, there is a very large benefit to having a bird dog.

I have two “bird” dogs. I use the word “bird” loosely because my dogs are not professionally trained, even saying casually trained would be a stretch, and they are not necessarily the greatest bird dogs either. But they work hard when we go out and they love it! I don’t think anything excites those labs more than when a shotgun is pulled out.

The Bounty Hunters!

Sienna, on the left, is a five year old chocolate lab. Ryah is a twelve year old yellow lab.


Ryah and Sienna relaxing in the dog kennel after a long day of jumping pheasants.

Like I said before, I have two labs. Ryah, the yellow lab, is 12 years old. She is the better birder of the two. Ryah is definitely a flusher when she works. She rarely uses her nose, but she works the area in front of you as you walk and visually checks EVERY bush. Ryah is actually really good at finding birds and jumping them for you. Pheasants prefer to run along the ground, and they have to be really pushed before they will fly. Ryah is definitely a pusher! Where Ryah lacks in her “birding” abilities is returning the bird to you. She LOVES chasing the birds down after they fall, but she refuses to give them back to you. I have always got the impression she figures they are her birds, not your’s.

Sienna, the chocolate lab, is five. I would say she is the okay at flushing pheasants, but that would be a lie. Sienna is terrible. Her preferred “flushing” area is right at your heels. She seems to lack the confidence to go out in front of you and search for birds. She seems to have a pretty decent nose, but it is hard for her to be very useful when she is so close to your heels that you practically kick her in the jaw while you are simply walking. Sienna’s strong point is definitely once the shot has been taken. She is a great retriever and seems almost overjoyed to fetch a bird for you. She is better for duck hunting than pheasant hunting, but she still is excited to go and has a great time traversing the reeds and brush.

IMG_0839I can’t offer much advice on training bird dogs, since mine were not trained in the least bit.  When we first got Ryah, my husband simply took her out pheasant hunting and she kind of learned as time passed.  She knows a few whistle commands, but she will not respond to me if I do them.  My husband has a whistle for when she has gotten too far in front and she needs to pull back closer  (This is important because she will start jumping birds outside of your shooting range).  He also has a whistle that means she needs to look at him for a hand signal.  She will weave left or right depending on which way you point, but that has taken years to develop.  The best advice I can give on “training” (if you can call it that) is to just spend time with your dogs.

The Gear

For this pheasant hunt, I used a 20 gauge shot gun. We planned on walking several miles throughout the day and crossing reed filled ditches and even creek beds. I decided on the 20 gauge gun because it is so much lighter to carry. When I carry the 12 gauge, my back really starts to ache. I know, I know, I am whiny, but it is hard walking! IMG_0835

A couple of other guns that I have read as being popular for pheasant hunting include the 12 gauge, a 28 gauge, and .410 Bore. I haven’t worked with any of those, other than the 12 gauge, but I would guess the .410 and 28 would be a little weak.  There is always a 10 gauge, but it always seems like an unnecessary beating to the shoulder.

Picking a shot load, brand of bullet, and choke size are the more difficult choices with hunting. I am still learning about the reasons for using different shot. It is something that takes not only research but also just plain experience, especially with the brands. What brand works well in one gun may cause a jam in another, and it is definitely a trial and error method.

In Utah, especially around where I live, most areas require you to use a nontoxic shot. This means no lead based shot. I never buy lead based anyway, just to be on the safe side, but if you have lead shot you should check the area’s regulations before you head out.

For this hunt, I went with 6 shot and an intermediate choke.  My husband shoots a full choke so he can hit the longer shots if needed.

Learning to pheasant hunt takes a little time. The best method for covering the most ground is to spread out and walk in a straight line through the reeds and brush. The walking is hard. It doesn’t sound hard, but by the end of the day my legs are beat! And, for me, I had to work on gaining confidence in myself and my fellow hunters. For someone that has been hunting for years, they have already know the “rules” of hunting to avoid “Dick Cheney” moments while out walking in a group. As a newbie, I am still developing trust in my fellow group members and working on shooting the bird when it jumps instead of first stopping, shying back because gun fire is happening around me, and then realizing I should be shooting too.

The fall pheasant hunt in Utah lasts from November 1 through November 16 for the general season and also an extended season (depending on the area in the state) from November 17 to December 7 (this was for 2014, so the dates will be slightly different for 2015). There is a daily limit of two birds and a possession limit of six birds total. Also, it is important to remember that you may only shoot male birds! You need to have a a small game or combination license for hunting pheasant, but there is not an extra permit needed like in the case of turkey or other birds.

Migratory birds require hunters to obtain a HIP number, but this is not required with pheasants because they are not a migratory bird. Pheasants are actually a non-native species to the United States. They originated in Asia and are actually an introduced species. They were introduced to Utah in the early 1890s.

IMG_0843For our hunt, we only bagged one bird, but it was still a great day.

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A Public Service Annoucement: Bear Spray Can Kill Ya’!

“Safety doesn’t happen by accident!” -Author Unknown

I am still adjusting to being “brave” in the outdoors. I would not say that I am a huge girly-girl, but I don’t like bugs, especially flying ones like wasps and bees, and I don’t like snakes, which is my opinion, as part girly-girl, are scary. I am also a pretty big chicken when it comes to bears.

I will admit it, chicken is putting it nicely. I am a baby. A really big baby. I am that person who keeps everyone else in the tent awake because they think they hear things all night long. And the things that I hear are, in my mind, always bears! Bears that want to come into camp, pillage the dinner left-overs, and then rip into my tent and have me for dessert. My imagination can get very out of hand, and soon everyone in the tent is angry because they haven’t slept all night and I am about to have a heart attack because I have worked myself up so much. Good times.

I also had a fear of running into bears while out wandering in the woods. So, as I have taken up hunting and spent more time outside, I have had to face this bear fear. I came up with a great solution: bear pepper spray! Nothing, according to numerous wildlife websites, fends off bear better than bear spray. Bear spray is like pepper spray but it contains higher levels of concentrated capsaicin than other pepper products.

With bear spray on my hip, I have become much more daring and adventurous. Last summer, we ran into a smaller male black bear feasting on an elk carcass. Instead of screaming and making a big scene, I sat quietly in the bushes and observed the bear as he enjoyed his elk banquet. Bear spray had apparently made me a normal person in the outdoors. I was stoked.

I was stoked about my new found bravery, until the other day. It has been a mild fall here, and the temperatures have hovered in the low to mid 70s for a couple of weeks. The great fall weather has allowed for a lot of mountain time, and I have carried my bear spray around quite a bit. Well, this week everything changed.

After returning from our last mountain trip, I got lazy. I left my bear spray in the truck on the dash board for a couple of days. The weather got lazy too. Instead of holding out these long stretches of perfect fall temperatures, the weather slacked off a little and temperatures dropped into the 30s at night. Tuesday night there was a sudden freeze warning. I rushed out picked the rest of my garden and then went to bed.

Now, I know to not leave bear spray in the heat, especially the hot car. The can is pressurized and letting it get hot, or around open flames, is dangerous. It says this on the can. I didn’t think about not letting it freeze, which I am going to assume the can says also. I say assume because I can’t look on my can anymore.

Why can’t I look on my can? Because my can froze on the dash board of my truck…and then EXPLODED all over my truck. I am emphasizing the word exploded because it literally looks like a bomb went off in the truck, attempted to break through the windshield, and then sprayed pepper spray shrapnel ALL OVER THE INTERIOR OF MY TRUCK!


So, I am pretty sure the truck is ruined. If anyone has any ideas on how to remove pepper spray soaked glass shards from interior I would love them. And if anyone knows how to get pepper spray out of the heating vents so my face isn’t blasted with hot pepper fumes each time the vehicle is on that would be useful information, I think.

These sunglasses used to have lenses...until they hit by the bear spray explosion and knocked out of the frames.
These sunglasses used to have lenses…until they hit by the bear spray explosion and knocked out of the frames.

I do have a suggestion for anyone purchasing bear spray. They do sell holding cases for bear spray so if it goes off in your car the explosion is contained. Buy one of these! And don’t be lazy, like me. Take your bear spray out of the car and store it the proper way.

I THINK I am still a fan of bear spray, but I definitely have a new found respect for the stuff. Based off how bad my face was burning upon opening the truck door after the explosion, I am pretty certain a spray of that to a bear’s face will definitely fend off even the most ornery animal. However, I am a little afraid of bear spray now that I realize I am carrying a capsaicin bomb on my hip.

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Adventure Two: A Day Huntin’ the Sheds

“I’m a wandering gypsy” – Lady Gaga ShedHuntingLandscape

I can feel myself becoming a less patient person. I used to enjoy the wait. I enjoyed the wait because I knew that once the anticipated event arrived it would soon be over, and that tends to make me sad. The wait was always part of the event itself. Not anymore. I am sick of waiting. I am ready for the next thing to start! The only good coming out of this impatience I have developed is my eagerness to try new things to fill the time until the next event starts. This weekend, shed hunting was this event for me.

I never gave much thought to shed hunting. It kind of sounded like aimless wandering through brush. And to be honest, it kind of is aimless wandering through brush. It was fun though! It was different than tromping through the brush, trying to be quiet while simultaneously trying to keep up with the rest of the group, while carrying a heavy gun or bow and attempting to keep my eye out for deer while watching the ground so I wouldn’t step on a dry stick that would inevitably crack louder than a gun shot. Shed hunting is much more relaxed! You can talk and the idea is to walk slow so you don’t miss the shed on the ground. You can take snacks and they can be smell super strong because their scent won’t scare away the antlers. It’s great!

Marinheadedout Before you head out shed hunting in Utah, you have to take an antler gathering ethics course. The course is required if you are going to shed hunt between February 1st and April 15th, which are the prime months for looking for antlers since they have just fallen from the animal. The course is on-line and after completion be sure to print out the certificate. You can find the course here:

First things first with antler hunting: what is an antler? I know this seems silly to define for you seasoned hunters, but for someone like myself, a novice to the outdoors, a definition helps me out a lot! Antlers are the actual bone of the animal. When they are in “velvet,” the bones are covered with blood vessels, which supply nutrients to the bone for growth. The bones tend to grow symmetrically and can have branches. AntlerShed The bones are filled with bone marrow and other bone goodies and growth is controlled by the release of hormones, particularly hormones related to testosterone, which also explains why males tend to only grow antlers. As the season progresses, the antlers become hard and the velvet coating dies. The animals use bushes and trees to rub the velvet off the antlers, which also results in the beautiful, oiled brown color the antlers take on by fall. As the hormones released for antler production start to decrease, the antlers start to weaken and eventually break off. The cycle then starts again. This happens in the animal family known as cervidae, which includes deer, elk, moose, and caribou.

Horns are different! Like antlers, horns are also the bone of the animal, but they have a keratin sheath covering them. They can vary in shape and size, but horns do not branch and they are not shed. The animals continues to grow the horns for their entire life. Also, unlike with antlers, males and females can have horns. Horns happen in the animal family known as bovidae, which includes over 140 species such as cows, buffalo, antelope, sheep, goats, and all their other relatives. Whew, that was a mouthful!

We only hunted for a couple of hours. Spring weather is quite unpredictable and over the course of the day it varied from hot and sunny to snowing. During those few hours, we found three different sheds. All our sheds were from previous seasons, which you can tell because they were white, brittle, and dried out. Sheds from the current season will still have the brown color and be smooth in texture. One of our finds we had to leave in place because it was still attached to the skull. You CAN’T take antlers that are still attached to the skull!

Shed hunting is something your entire family can join in on, but be warned, they will be tired! It is hard walking! One of our hunters actually fell asleep and had to be carried back to camp, and it is never exactly easy to carry the dead weight of a sleeping toddler. But they still had a blast!

MarinSheds SleepingMarshall Sleepingmen



If you are wondering what to do with all those antlers you do find, there are TONS of suggestions out there. You can look into your area and see who is buying them. If you find large elk antlers that are from the current season you can fetch a pretty penny per pound for them (word on the street is $8/lb.). You can also use them to make some pretty neat home décor items such as lamp stands, wine racks, coat hangers, and more. I even saw a Christmas tree online that was completely made of antlers. It was quite neat. They also make nice yard art, if you use them right.

drinkpairing Adventure Pairing

It’s my favorite part of the blog: Adventure Pairing! I love coming up with pairings. So, for shed hunting, I figured that I would take a drink that is full of flavor and is a special treat! Something that stands completely by itself because you don’t have to worry about it messing up the flavor of your food. I went with an Apricot Ale by Pyramid! They are so great! The apricot flavor really comes out in this drink and so sometimes it can ruin your dinner if it messes with the other flavors. Not with shed hunting! Delicious! I let my niece Marin pick out what her drink pairing would be for shed hunting and she went with her ultimate fav: chocolate milk! I had some of that too because it sounded great. I also let Marin pick the snack for this adventure and she said because we were camping she wanted marshmallows. So, there we have it, apricot ale, chocolate milk, and marshmallows!

Happy Hunting!


















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Step Right Up! Get Your Turkey Tags!!!

“TURKEY, n. A large bird whose flesh when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. Incidentally, it is pretty good eating.” -Ambrose Bierce

My first true “season” of the year is quickly approaching. On Thursday, February 20th, 2014, the state of Utah will officially open up the purchasing window for the general turkey season! I am getting prepped for, what I am hoping, will be a successful turkey season.

The Utah turkey season runs April 28th to May 31st. There is also a limited-entry season and a youth season before the general season, but to get in on the limited=entry season you had to put in for a draw back in December. I like the general season. The limited-entry season is held during the rut for turkeys, but you can sometimes still catch the end of the rut in the general season. There are usually still a couple of toms out strutting their stuff.

If you are a resident of Utah, a general season tag is going to cost you $35. A non-resident can purchase a tag for $100. In either case, you still need to have the Hunter’s Education completed. I read up on a few other rules about turkey season in the Upland Game and Turkey Guidebook. For example, you can only take a turkey with a bow or shot gun. Your shot gun can be no larger than a 10 gauge and no smaller than a 20 gauge. Your shot needs to be between a BB or a no. 8. Also, there is no baiting turkey in Utah and no spotlighting. Finally, you can not shoot turkeys that are roosting in a tree. More information about hunting in Utah can be found at:

Utah is home to two varieties of turkey: the Rio Grande and the Merriam. There are over 20,000 birds residing in the state of Utah. In the area I live, southeastern Utah, the Rio Grande turkeys spend most of their time down by the Colorado River. Rio Grande turkeys’ habitat usually includes brush and they are found mostly next to rivers or streams. The Merriam turkeys tend to settle more in the mountains. Merriam turkeys tend to like areas with ponderosa trees, and while the mountains in our area are not heavy with ponderosa, the turkeys seem to seek out the smaller areas occupied by the trees. During the general season, you can harvest either type, but I was interested in learning about the differences between the two varieties.

The Rio Grande turkey is darker in color than the Merriam. They have dark breast feathers and a copper hue all over. The Rio, on average, weigh in around 20 pounds for a tom and 8 to 10 pounds for a hen. They are characterized by their overly long looking legs. The Rio Grande turkey is gregarious. I will admit: I actually had to look up the word gregarious. I had no idea what it meant. Looking at the word, I thought it meant something along the lines that Rio Grande turkeys were good fighters because the word gregarious makes me think of big dinosaurs or something. But no, actually the word means “sociable or fond of company.” So, the Rio Grande turkey is apparently a very social bird and likes the company of other turkeys.

One of the most notable characteristics of the Merriam turkey is the white tipped feathers running the course of the turkey’s body. Merriam turkeys are similar in color, with that gorgeous copper hue and deep iridescent black and purple feathers, to the Rio Grande turkey, but the white tips on their feathers make them truly stand out. Merriam turkeys tend to weigh around the same the Rio Grande turkey.

A few more quick turkey facts! First, turkeys are omnivores. They eat anything! The dinner menu can include acorns, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, lizards, bugs, salamanders, or whatever else seems to cross their path. Second, turkeys use their gobbling to attract the ladies! Male suitors strut around with their tails fanned out and feathers all fluffed up, gobbling and scrapping their wing tips along the ground, to get the attention of females. Female turkeys can hear gobbling from up to a mile away!

After researching a bit about turkeys, I am ready to start preparing for my spring turkey hunt. I am going to start putting some time into looking at calls, which I will share with you in another blog, and researching some great recipes to share after I bag my bird!

In the meantime, if anyone has any more information or comments about turkeys…I would love to hear them!  I am becoming quite interested in learning more about the turkey than just Thanksgiving chat!

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